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  • yalylevy

Week 3 - Brainstorming End-Users

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

"When we listen with curiosity, we don't listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what's behind the words."

- Roy T. Bennett

This week we'll need to interview 4 potential end-users. In class we understood that the Mental Health domain was a bit too general and broad and we needed to focus our needs a bit more. The 3 main needs we initially came up with were: the need to understand and express one's emotions; communication, the need to strengthen social relations; decrease feelings of social isolation and loneliness, and the third was the need to understand the underlying impact of technology and social media on one's self esteem and in turn mental health.

After completing a class exercise, and further discussing the topic as a team we decided on a new need that we'd like to focus on in the upcoming end-user interviews. We decided to take on the topic of Humor, how humor is related to social interactions and mental health, the ability to laugh at yourself and also within a relationship (platonic or romantic) and being comfortable enough to laugh at each other. Potentially we could look into the field of Positive Psychology and get more insights from there.

“Laughter is man's most distinctive emotional expression.”

Margaret Mead


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