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  • yalylevy

Week 5 - New week New Domain 🙌🏼

After presenting our Persona in class we came to realize, even more that we had already realized, that we hadn't really defined a problem yet, we were still speaking very generally, and hadn't focused and zoomed in yet on a specific problem. After further discussing the issue we decided that we don't necessarily want to continue with the domain of Interpersonal Connections within a University Setting. We felt that interpersonal connections are very interesting and very much relevant to everyone's lives, but from the research and data we've gathered until that point we couldn't formulate a specific problem that arose. Interesting points and insights came up regarding when people feel more comfortable and less comfortable, how people behave and feel during certain social situations, but it wasn't enough.

We stayed a while after class and began brainstorming new domains and ideas, and each of us brought up problems that interested us. We were all very much in the mindset that we want to connect to the idea and problem so that we'll have a lot of motivation to work and develop it throughout the whole year. We decided to give ourselves one day to each bring up a problem we're interested in, then we'd take a vote and pick one, and COMMIT to it.

The next day we each shared our ideas and after a few votes we narrowed our 18 option list down to two options: Concentration while Driving, and Time Management/Organization for children with ADHD. The chosen problem was, Concentration🧐 while Driving 🚙. We discussed different aspects of the problem and things that cause lack of concentration and even accidents while driving. Whether it be fatigue😴, boredom🙄, distractions, zoning out, music🎶, overthinking🤔, and anything else that lowers the level of concentration while driving.

"Without commitment, nothing happens."

- T.D. Jakes

During the current week, since we had a major pivot, we needed to go through the whole process we've been through so far, throughout the four first weeks, and in addition complete the Empathy Map which was Week 5's challenge.

We created a game plan for the week which included, interviewing end-users, interviewing experts, and researching articles and statistics regarding the issue of Driving Concentration. Our goal was to complete all of the above by the middle of the week, formulate our new How Might We Question as well as develop our Persona, continue from there, and move forward.

We felt that it was very much necessary to change our topic of focus and choose a new problem. Since we've already been through the process once we felt that we've gotten the hang of things and it felt quite natural to run 🏃🏽‍♀️through it a second time.

Initially a few of us were skeptical 👀 regarding the problem but the majority voted for it and after further discussing it and deciding as a group that Driving Concentration is the final decision we all got on board with it. We're very much motivated and excited 🎉 to get on with our new idea, and delve right in to researching, interviewing and discussing our findings.

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